Well girls it's time. Time for what you might ask?? To be FEARLESS! It is time to take action. Time to take that idea and run with it. It is time to paint that wall without testing the color (I mean really, how are you going to know if you dont like it from that small painted area- really!) You have to make it, paint it, build it or create it to know if you like it. If you dont, give it away, redo it, paint over or just let it grow on you. At least you can say you did something :)
Today I was in my shop and needed to create something. I had that "lets decorate" mood going on. Now, a little advise- when you get that :lets decorate" mood you HAVE to use it! Don't turn on HGTV or grab a magazine to find something that you want to do. If you wait that long the mood will have passed. Use it! Get off your butts and get movin!
So, back to the store- I wanted to change the front of the store. It needed a warmer feeling when you walked in. I became FEARLESS! I did something that I had never seen on TV- I'm sure it has been done before though ( I dont want to take full credit or anything). ANYWAY... I have a wooden wall. I thought I would paint it? No- I needed more paint- no time- I have to use the mood while it was on. Stain it? No- I didn't have any. Im a store...what do I have that I can use?? Tissue paper. Tissue paper? TISSUE PAPER!!!
So this is what you do:
Find a wall or furniture piece you want to change.
Now, look/shop for tissuse paper you like. I would suggest any kind- just as long as you LOVE it!!
Supplies you will need:
Tissue Paper
Spray Adhesive
X-Acto Knife
Spray the adhesive to your "canvas". Take your tissue paper and lay it on the wall. Try to rub out any air bubbles and paper folding by taking your hand to the middle of the paper and rubbing out (honestly, I wasnt too worried about all the folding- FEARLESS!)
When your paper overlaps take your x-acto knife and go accross the over lapping area. Dont worry if it isnt lined up- thats not the look you want. This isn't wall paper- it's tisue paper. FEARLESS! :)